Frolic flower class

I got to play with flowers in Seattle last weekend. Three talented ladies teamed up and put together a lovely workshop at Aran's gorgeous studio. These women are so inspiring and have helped shape my dream career through their styling and photography. Every time I take a workshop I get a burst of inspiration and motivation. I love it. 

From left to right below: Jenn Elliott Blake, Chelsea Fuss, and Aran Goyoaga

My mood board for this one minute downpour, next minute blue sky Cinco de Mayo day

All images came from my Pinterest boards.


The days are long and the sun is out! It's that time when people come out to play. But it's Portland and I've been fooled before. I know we're in for some rainy days before it's officially summer. So I'll patiently wait until then.


Prop Styling

I had the opportunity to take a workshop with Aran from Cannelle et Vanille and Chelsea from Frolic! and loved every minute of it. They shared their delicious food, styling/photography tips, and a cart full of beautiful props. It confirmed my love for styling and I can't wait to do more.